2024 Rules
General participant contest requirements:
• All participants must know and abide by Summer Hummer Boston’s code of conduct to participate in competitions.
• Must have purchased a full weekend pass and have paid all associated registration fees for each competition.
• Your wristband must be worn at all times. It may only be removed for routines and then replaced after the contest.
• Shoes are required in order to dance in the competitions or socially.
• Each contestant must sign the appropriate waiver form prior to competing. No contestant will be allowed to compete without a signed waiver form.
• Competitors must be 15 years or older at time of competition.
• Any contestant under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign any required forms. All dancers under the age of 18 must always have a parent or guardian with them in the ballroom.
• Must register by the official entry deadline(s) outlined in the weekend schedule.
• Meet the other specific requirements as pertaining to each contest.
• Entering a contest indicates consent to unrestricted use of your name and likeness in photos and videos to appear in future promotions.
• Complete scores from all contest rounds will be available after the last day of the competition.
Contest requirements
• Entries: Each contest much have a minimum of five entries to be a valid contest. Contest with fewer than five entries may be cancelled or may have the prize money reduced at the Organizer’s discretion. Entry fees for cancelled contests will be refunded.
• Judges: There will be a minimum of five judges for all competitions. Additionally, there will be a Chief/Head Judge and Alternate Judges available.
• Scoring System: Contests are scored by computer and relative placement. Contestants will be judged in the preliminaries and/or semi-finals as individual and as a couple in any finals for Jack and Jill competitions. They will be judged as a couple in all rounds for all strictly and routine divisions.
Appropriate Behavior and Dress Code
Dancing is an expressive and exciting sport and we want to encourage space for creative exploration, while maintaining space for safety and comfort for all dancers. To that end, any actions or clothing that judges view as disrespectful or unsafe towards one’s partner, other dancers or the event is prohibited. Competitors should check with the Chief/Head Judge in advance if they have questions regarding acceptable actions/clothing/movements.
Competitor Responsibilities
• Planning Ahead: Competitors should know when they are competing, be aware of registration deadlines, check in on time for competitions, and stay aware emcee announcements for competitions. They should bring appropriate competition attire. Competitors are responsible for checking for any changes to previously announced schedules which are subject to change.
• Knowing the Rules: All competitors should read these rules carefully prior to competing. They are responsible for adhering to these rules, whether or not they have read them. Questions for these rules should be asked prior to contestants competing and should be addressed to the Chief/Head Judge or the Event Organizer.
• Being Prepared to Compete: Competitors should be present in the ballroom at least 15 minutes prior to the start of their competition. Competitors are responsible for their bib numbers and may be subject to a replacement fee if lost. Any cancellation by a competitor or couple after the registration deadline will result in the loss of the entry fee.
• Demonstrating Good Sporting Conduct: Competitors must always demonstrate good sporting conduct, both on and off the competition floor. Competitors must be respectful to their fellow competitors, dancers, event staff, and hotel staff. Competitors may not speak to judges regarding their placements or scores until after the awards have been given. It’s bad sportsmanship to argue with the judges about placements or scores. Competitors must also refrain from behavior that judges deem inappropriate. Failure to adhere to this code of behavior may result in disqualification.
Strictly Swing Contests
Sign up with a partner of your choice. Lead/follow contest. Depending on the number of couples, there may be a preliminary round and/or semi-final round, followed by a final.
• Matching costumes and props are not allowed but coordinating attire is acceptable.
• Strictly Swing partners may not dance together in more than one strictly contest OR in any choreography contest.
• Drops, leans, circular movements and other partner weight support moves are allowed as long as both partners keep at least one foot on the floor.
• Role switching is not allowed.
• You may enter more than one strictly swing contest by dancing at your WSDC level in your dominant role, and another level in your non-dominant role by WSDC guidelines.
• Skill divisions: Newcomer-Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, All Star, Sophisticated, Masters, Champions: A couple’s strictly swing division is determined by their WSDC Jack and Jill levels. If partner’s qualify for different WSDC levels, they must enter at the higher skill level if dancing their dominant role.
Jack and Jill Contests
Sign up as an individual. Lead/follow contest. Depending on the number of couples, there may be a preliminary round and/or semi-final round, followed by a final.
• You can compete up to two skill divisions in WSDC Jack and Jill competitions
• We follow the WSDC rules. Go to the WSDC Rules page for more info and to find out what is the current eligible level for you.
• Drops, leans, circular movements and other partner weight support moves are allowed as long as both partners keep at least one foot on the floor.
• All petitions to “dance up” must be submitted to the WSDC Chief Judges Committee (CJC) using this link: www.worldsdc.com/level-up-petition/. The CJC will review the competitor’s Points Registry record and submitted videos, and reach out to the competitor for any additional information they need to make a decision. This process must be completed at least four weeks prior to the event.
• Competitors who wish to petition down must submit a petition to the chief judge at least 24 hours prior to the competition and have it approved prior to the division cutoff closing. Dancing in the wrong level without approval will incur disqualification.
• Sophisticated competitors must be 35 years or older.
• We have one age division for Masters competitors. We require you to be 50 years or older.
• Any dancer that has 150+ All Star points or 1+ Champion points is eligible to dance in a WSDC Champion Jack and Jill contest.
• Any dancer that has 225+ All Star points is required to dance in the WSDC Champion division if it is offered and they wish to compete. They may not enter All Star.
• Any dancer that has 10+ Champion points is required to dance in the WSDC Champion division if it is offered and they wish to compete.
Rising Star
In order to compete in this division, you must:
• Be 15 years or older by the end of the event.
• Never have placed or made qualifying final of a NASDE Classic or Showcase division.
• Not have Champion or Invitational WSDC points within the last (10) years.
• Never have won the RST top point award in previous seasons. (May petition)
• Never have placed top three in the US Open RS division. (May petition)
• Expected swing content of any style is 70 %.
• Performance time is a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 3 minutes.
• Competitors select their own music.
• Costumes are required.
• No props.
• Time and judging start at the first movement or performance with or without music.
• Separate entrances are permitted but must come together within thirty-two beats of the music.
• Break-a-ways and side by side patterns are permitted, no longer than 8 beats.
• Lifts are optional but not required.
• Maximum five partner weight support moves with at least one foot on the ground.
Couples may request a restart in the following cases:
• The DJ plays the wrong music for your routine.
• Sound system fails.
• Shoe breaks, costume malfunction, or loss of a vital piece of clothing.
• Lights go out in the ballroom during the performance.
• If the CJ approves due to special circumstances. Couples must make the request prior to leaving the dance floor.
• CJ may call a restart without the request of the couple if they believe it fair and in the best interest in the contestants and their fellow competitors.
Pro Am Routine
• Amateurs are defined as newcomer, novice, intermediate or advanced dancers.
• A professional is defined as an All Star, Champion, or someone who earns a significant amount of income teaching or performing West Coast Swing.
• Anyone who has previously competed in open or professional level West Coast Swing competition must be considered a Pro for this purpose.
• This division is designed for new routine dancers to dance with their Professional partner.
• Each Professional may dance with up to 3 different Amateurs in this division.
• Must be 50% swing.
• Must be between 2-3 minutes.
For information on how relative placement works, please visit: https://www.worldsdc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Relative-Placement-12-20-20-Rev-5-1-10-1.pdf